Add Recipe Feature - Task Breakdown

The add recipe feature is the first feature that will added to the site. This task can first be broken down into 4 subtasks:

  1. Add a recipe summary
  2. List / add ingredients
  3. Add recipe ingredients
  4. Add a recipe cooking method

However, the sharp architecture framework is designed for Test Driven Development. These are the TDD steps listed in the sharp architecture reference guide (in the docs folder of the SVN project):

  1. Write your test as if the target objects and API already exists.
  2. Compile the solution and see it break.
  3. Write just enough code to get it to compile.
  4. Run the test and see if fail.
  5. Write just enough code to get it to pass.
  6. Run the test and see it pass!
  7. Refactor if necessary!

Taking another look at the feature subtasks from a TDD perspective, the breakdown for each domain object looks more like this: Ingredient

  1. Add tests for the ingredient domain object and controller
  2. Implement the ingredients domain object and controller to make the tests pass
  3. Add Ingredients views for List and Create


  1. Add tests for the recipe domain object and controller
  2. Implement the recipe domain object and controller to make the tests pass
  3. Add Recipe views for CreateSummary, CreateIngredients, CreateCookingMethod

Currently I just need to implement the Create view for the Ingredient object, then I can move onto recipes.

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